Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA)
After a disaster, the provincial government may declare the event eligible for Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA). Once declared, the DFA program may provide applicants with financial assistance to restore uninsurable losses that are essential to your home, livelihood or community service.
What is DFA?
Disaster events can be stressful, please refer to our disaster recovery resources to help guide your next steps to recovery
Find out more >Register with DFA
If you have a BC Services Card and there is a declared disaster event you can now self-register for DFA
Create Profile Already registered? Log in >

Contact Us
For questions or more information, contact the Disaster Financial Assistance team
toll-free at 1-888-257-4777 or by email at DFA.Private@gov.bc.ca for individuals, small
businesses, charitable organizations, and farms or DFA.Public@gov.bc.ca for local
governments and Indigenous Governing Bodies.
Send DFA Technical Support inquiries here.